12 Ways to Have Your Website Dominate the Google Search Rankings

1. Create Industry Tools
-High value widgets or calculators are often the most used and shared content. Think of Alexa, Moz Site Explorer, etc.. These companies created free, industry tools which drive traffic and then they up sell the visitors a premium version. Make sure your tools are niche specific.

2. Crowdsearch
-Moz, Bruce Clay, and most SEO experts agree Google CTR and site retention are key ranking factors. Crowdsearch automatically raises your CTR by sending bots or real people to your site daily. This must be done with extreme caution but is highly effective. (www.crowdsearch.me)

3. Guest Posting and Reaching Out to PBN’s (Private Blog Networks)

-Private Blog Networks are a group of sites owned by a single person. This is often the most effective way of link building, because one PBN owner can create hundreds of backlinks. (Network on Blackhatworld.com forums for PBN owners)
-Reverse guest posting is highly effective. This is when you ask a established blogger to write on your site and allow them to link back.
(https://ninjaoutreach.com/ for guest posting)

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(above: my real, 30 day results using a PBN)

4. Reblogging on Tumblr

-Post regularly on a Tumblr account. Tumblr allows you to put “do follow” links in each post. One viral post has the potential to create hundreds of high authority links to your site.

5. Coupon, Deal, and Discount Sites
-Regardless if you have coupons, create profiles on the discount sites for valuable backlinks. These profiles often have high authority and assist in bringing price shoppers back to your site.

6. HARO and Response Source
-These sites link experts, like YOU, to reporters looking for help and opinions.
-Both tools are great ways to gain credibility, obtain backlinks, and be featured in upcoming stories. (http://www.responsesource.com/, https://www.helpareporter.com/)

7. Unlinked Brand Mentions
-Find websites, bloggers, and news articles already mentioning your brand and ask for a link. The link will enhance their article.
-Also, create alerts for competitor brand mentions. Often this can be a source for contacting bloggers to add your site to the same article.

8. Add Link Snippets When Someone Tries to Copy Your Content
-When someone copies text from your site, a snippet automatically adds a link back to your site. There is a chance that the site owner could remove the link, but the snippet increases your chances of obtaining a link.
-Append Link is a free WordPress plugin which instantly adds a link to copied content.

9. Expired Blogspot Domains
-Blogspot blogs maintain PR, have a high authority, and are free when expired.

10. Write Top 5 or 10 Lists
-Write weekly or monthly “best of” lists. These are often the most engaging type of content.
-If you reference companies or products, send them your post as they will likely share it. Lists exclusively including external content are often known as link round ups and blog rolls.

11. Student Discounts & Contests With Required Sharing
-Start a contest. To enter, require participants post on their personal website, blog, or Facebook.
-It can help to offer student discounts. Reach out to schools about your discount. They may link to your product or service.

12. Check Copyscape and TinEye for Copied Content
-Hunt for people who stole your content.
-Tell thieves they need to give you “do follow” links OR “pay up” for using your content!
(Use www.TinEye.com to find stolen images. Use www.Copyscape.com for articles)

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